Friday, December 5, 2008

China Cabinet meeting encourages commercial banks to make more loans

Special Report:Global Financial



(Chinese media) -- China's State Council, or the Cabinet, said Wednesday it would adopt

more favorable policies and update the financial system so as to encourage the

country's commercial banks to grant more loans to support economic growth.

At an executive meeting presided over by Premier Wen

Jiabao, the Cabinet also said measures should be taken to raise the country's

ability to ward against risks among financial institutions.

Banks, security firms and insurers should be used in

a combined way to expand financing and control risks, so that the financial

sector would play a better role in supporting economic growth and contributing

to industrial restructuring, it said.

In the face of the global financial crisis, it was

imperative to implement a pro-active fiscal policy and a moderately easy

monetary policy, and the financial sector should enhance its role in economic


The meeting said nine measures would be taken to

boost the role of the financial sector.

First, the Cabinet said the government would use such

tools as the reserve requirement ratio, interest rates and exchange rates to

ensure adequate liquidity for the banking sector. In addition, an extra 100

billion yuan (14.6 billion U.S. dollars) of credit volume for 2008 would be

given to the country's three policy banks, namely China Development Bank, China

Export and Import Bank and China Agricultural Development Bank.

The second measure was aimed to improve the credit

service of commercial banks to meet the demand for loans among medium- and

small-sized enterprises, investors in the countryside as well as consumers such

as house and car buyers.

Other measures included speeding up construction of a

stronger capital market, updating methods of financing, improving the management

of foreign exchange, using fiscal funds to help the financial sector reduce bad

assets, and deepening financial reform to better monitor potential risks.

Think tank: China economy to grow more

than 9% in 2009


Dec. 2 (Chinese media) -- Chinese economy is forecast to grow by more than 9 percent

next year, according to an annual blue paper released by the Chinese Academy of

Social Science on Tuesday.

Despite the huge uncertainty in 2009, China could still

achieve a 9-percent growth as long as it unveils timely and suitable

macro-economic control measures to boost domestic demand, said the blue paper.

Full story

China to set strategy for 8% GDP


BEIJING, Dec. 3 -- China's

top economic policy makers will meet next week to decide how to secure growth of

at least 8 percent, outpacing the World Bank's more pessimistic forecast,

government officials said Tuesday.

The annual Central Economic Work Conference, scheduled for

Monday through Wednesday, will tackle ways to implement the recently adopted

"expansive" fiscal policy and "moderately easy" monetary policy, officials

said. Full story

World Bank cuts 2009 China growth forecast to 7.5% vs.


BEIJING, Nov. 25 (Chinese media) --

The World Bank on Tuesday cut its 2009 forecast for China's economic growth to

7.5 percent, from 9.2percent previously, in a report released here.

With the financial crisis spreading globally, the impact

on China is expected to intensify amid a global fund squeeze and a slowdown in

export growth in 2009, the World Bank said in its China Quarterly Update.

Full story

Vice premier: Tap consumption

potential to sustain China growth

BEIJING, Dec. 2 (Chinese media) -- Chinese Vice Premier Wang Qishan has called for more

concrete measures to tap China's domestic consumption potential to sustain

economic growth.

External demand for Chinese goods has fallen markedly amid

the global financial crisis, while domestic consumption power also fell, Wang

told recent meetings on foreign and domestic trade. Full story

China planner offers details on 4 trln

yuan stimulus package

BEIJING, Nov. 14 (Chinese media) -- A senior

Chinese planning official told reporters here on Friday that the new 4 trillion

yuan (586 billion U.S. dollars) economic stimulus package includes 1.18 trillion

yuan from the central government through 2010.

Mu Hong, vice director of the National Development and

Reform Commission (NDRC), said the agency would add 100 billion yuan of new

investment during the fourth quarter. Full story

China outlines tasks for next year's

economic work

BEIJING, Nov. 28

(Chinese media) -- The Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central

Committee convened a meeting here on Friday, analyzing and studying the economic

work of next year and setting out major tasks.

The meeting said that this year has been eventful and the

country has risen to many daunting challenges, including the global financial

crisis and domestic natural disasters. The economy has maintained a stable and

relatively fast growth and society has been stable, which are hard-won

achievements, it said. Full story

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