Saturday, January 3, 2009

Bolivia to export duty-free textile to Venezuela

LA PAZ, Jan. 1 (Chinese media) -- Bolivia will export with zero duty the first batch of textile to Venezuela before Jan. 15, President Evo Morales said Thursday.

Venezuela granted a zero-duty treatment to Bolivia after the United States suspended the Andean Trade Promotion and Drug Eradication Act (Atpdea) with the west South American country.

"On the Atpdea issues, I talked with some officials from Venezuelan government and before Jan. 15, the first ton of textile will leave Bolivia for Venezuela," Morales said.

The U.S. congress approved the Atpdea that was to last for one year for Peru, Colombia and Ecuador and six months for Bolivia on Oct. 2.

However, the White House suspended the agreement for Bolivia on Dec. 15, citing inadequate control over drugs, a prerequisite for taking the Atpdea benefits.

Morales had said that there are other markets for Bolivia, and that Bolivia could sell its products to Russia, China, Iran, Japanand India.

Morales and Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez signed the Bolivarian Alternative of the People of the Americas (Alba) on Oct. 29, which enables the Bolivian products to enter Venezuela free of duty.

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