Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Brazilian president inspires nation amid economic difficulties

Special Report:Global Financial Crisis

RIO DE JANEIRO, Feb. 5 (Chinese media) -- Brazilian

President Luiz Inacio da Silva said on Thursday his mission is to boost the

people's confidence and lead them to overcome difficulties amid the global

financial crisis.

"My role is to boost the people's morale," Lula said

as he opened a hydroelectric plant in central Brazil's Tocantins state.

Noting that the reach and duration of the crisis have

yet to be measured, the president reaffirmed that Brazil will suffer less than

other countries because of the stability of the Brazilian economy and its

regulated productive sector.

Lula encouraged the people of the nation to "work

more and be more daring" in a situation "comparable with a wartime."

While admitting the difficulties of finding a

solution to the crisis, he urged the U.S. and European governments to take

urgent measures to fight against its impacts.

Lula is highly popular in Brazil. In the latest

survey last week, his personal approval rating stood as high as 84 percent and

the support rate of his administration remained at 72.5 percent.

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