Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Tanzania to host African finance ministers conference

Special Report:Global Financial Crisis

DAR ES SALAAM, Feb. 3 (Chinese media) -- The government of Tanzania will join the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to host a continental conference on the ongoing global financial crisis and its impact on the continent.

Taking part in the two-day conference will be finance ministers and central bank governors from African countries, according to a press statement issued by the IMF.

The conference, slated for March 10-11 in Dar es Salaam, will also draw participants from the academic circle and the private sector.

IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn said in the statement that the objective of the conference is to discuss the impact of the financial crisis on Africa and to learn from the continent's successful economic experiences, especially in terms of macro-economic stability and growth.

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